حـ * ـلم

حـ * ـلم @h_lm

عضوة شرف في عالم حواء

Learn English ,and have fun

اللغة الأنجليزية

Here , we are going to start
English Magazine Of Hawwaworld

so , we are going toenrich this bransh with articles, passages, puzzels , short stories , news , theories , jokes , islamic articles......................and lots more ...........

welcome all of you

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ممتاز نتمنى المشاركة من الجميع
i will start first now

What's the difference between women at the ages of 8,18, 28, 38, 48 and 58???

Ø >>08 - You take her to bed and tell her a story.
> >> 18 - You tell her a story and take her to bed.
> >>28 - You don't need to tell her any story to take her to bed.
> >>38 - She tells you a story and takes you to bed.
> >>48 - You tell her a story to avoid going to bed.
> >> 58 - You stay in bed all day to avoid her story.
*حبوبة ابوها*
*حبوبة ابوها*
hi helm
hi asolte
this is agreat

i wanna add some things



:24: :26:
أميرة الشوق
أميرة الشوق
hiiiiiiii every one
Iam glad to be here
so I hope to be your friend <<
and this is agood idea
and I have a puzzle
are you ready ??

can you can a can in a can ??
أميرة الشوق
أميرة الشوق
ينننننننننننننننننننننننننننكم يا جماعة ؟؟؟؟؟؟

حلوا سؤالي
وإلا ............
ماراح أشارك معاكم مرة ثانية >>> تهديد خطييييير
